When you look back on your life it might feel so infuriating and even heartbreaking to see what the enemy has taken from you.
It’s so easy to think about the “what if’s“ and what life that could have been.
There is such sorrow in these losses.
A sorrow that the Lord Himself sits with you in.
But how your life ended up isn’t a surprise to God.
How your life is right now does not make him shocked or disappointed.
He knew all along you'd be right where you are this very second.
And friend, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that God can’t redeem.
He can redeem broken hearts, broken relationships, lost years, self-sabotage, all of it.
That’s what He does.. if you let Him.
Nothing is too broken that He cannot fix.
So stand back up.
Even if there is years of anguish on your shoulders, stand back up.
Heck, let God lift you if you can’t get up.
But know that His plan for you is not done. Not even close.
This is a part of your story that hurts.
But it’s also the part where His strength and mercy pours in on your weakness.
It’s the part where something new happens.
It’s the part where the enemy’s head gets crushed into the ground and you get to walk in the victory that’s already been given to you.
He will redeem what’s been lost.
That’s what He does.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog