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To the Mom who Feels Unseen: You are More Valuable than You Know.

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Somewhere there is a mom who has a heavy heart and has cried many tears today.

Maybe she is just tired and overwhelmed with trying to be so many things to so many people.

Maybe she feels all alone in parenting, and just aches to have someone who could support her.

Maybe she is struggling to reach out and connect with friends and family, and feels so lonely.

I know somewhere, there is a mom out there who is struggling big time. Because being a mom is incredibly difficult, and so much of what moms do feels insignificant and often unseen.

Mom's do a lot, and I mean A LOT, of the "behind-the-scenes" work, which often doesn't get much of the glory.

When I think about this struggling mama, I think of Hebrews 6:10:

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."

Mama friend, you need to remember that your kids, and your family... they are God’s people.

You doing all that you do each day is serving the Lord by serving His people.

I know it feels like it, but it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Not in Heaven.

He sees all that you do for them.

He also sees you when you feel empty and broken down.

Even there, He’s sees. And He cares.

What you are doing now is not going to go in vain.

Even if it's not glamorous, what you are doing now is some of the most important work of your life.

The most important work in our life usually isn't shiny and glamorous. It's often hidden and humbling.

But it's so important.

I know how difficult motherhood can be, but I also want to remind you that God is a partner to you in this parenting thing.

He never expects perfection out of you. He knows you will mess up and that’s where the beautiful gift of grace comes in.

So mama, no matter how hard this feels, know that it matters.

All the behind-the-scenes work you do, it is making a difference in the world. It's making a difference in who your kiddos become.

It is a heavenly calling that you were created for.

You matter, so much.

More than you know.

Things will change as your kiddos grow, and it won't always feel this way.

But know that today and everyday, the Lord is so proud of you for serving His people.

You are the perfect woman for the job.

~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog

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