Jesus knew how He was going to die.
He knew how horrendous it would be.
That part really gets me.
We see Jesus in Gethsemane just hours before He gets arrested, praying to the Father and experiencing something many of us can relate to.. agony and sorrow.
He says to His disciples, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” -Matthew 26:38
Unfortunately, His disciples couldn’t even stay awake to keep watch.
I can only imagine the feeling of grief in that lonely hour.
Multiple times, Jesus prays: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” -Matthew 26:39
These verses make me want to cry my eyes out.
Jesus didn’t want that “cup”. He knows exactly what He will be walking through, and He doesn’t want the unbearable pain that is about to take place.
Yet, He always goes back to God’s will. Even if it’s brutal, He will choose to follow through.
All I can think about is how many of us don’t want this “cup” we have, either.
We don’t want the fear, the illness, the loss, the loneliness.
You might think the point of this is to say that we just need to accept our circumstances and go through with it.
That’s not exactly the point.
What I was reminded of was that Jesus accepted His “cup” (death and taking on our sin) so that we would never have to experience our “cup” without Him.
What I mean is, Jesus had to experience true separation from the Father so that we wouldn’t ever have to.
He took on our sin and endured the separation you and I deserved.
Our “cup” will still come. We will still experience the full range of human emotion and suffering.
But never alone.
Never like He did.
Jesus shows us here that it’s okay to feel and grieve. But He also reminds us we never have to do it alone now.
So that cup you have? That thing that you really don’t want to experience?
Know that you aren’t the only one holding on to it.
He took it on Himself long ago.
He’s with you, and He will never leave you.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog