Friend, life is heavy.
Sometimes, it feels heaviest when our eyes open on a Monday morning.
The to-do lists begin to build.
The responsibilities seem endless.
The motivation to do it all may be lacking.
You may be wondering how you are going to conquer all that is required of you this week.
Maybe you are carrying around heavier baggage than just being overwhelmed, too.
Maybe you are facing a super hard circumstance or decision.
Or this week will require a very hard conversation you are dreading.
Or perhaps you are sitting in an immense amount of grief and heartache.
Whatever it is, I know it’s heavy.
But I also know you can get through this week.
Because I know God will get you through this week.
He will strengthen you and give you courage to do hard things.
He will give you the wisdom and words you need in certain circumstances.
He will hold you in your heartache, and bind up your wounds.
Over and over throughout His word we see how He fights for His people, how He carries them through hard things, and how He makes a way when it appears there isn’t one.
He can do this for you, too.
Surrender this week to Him.
Fix your eyes on Him over everything else.
Let Him show you how He can carry You through anything.
There won’t be one single moment this week God won’t be standing with you.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog