Have you ever been around someone that doesn’t like you, and you don’t know why?
Like you can just tell when you are around them that they treat you differently, or they are blatantly rude to you but no one else?
That’s always fun.
I‘ve spent my life trying to make sure I could mold into whatever personality I needed to in order to get everyone to like me.
Honestly? I’ve been quite successful.
I’m good at reading a person and turning into what they would like me to be.
But my gosh, this is a terrible and super confusing way to live.
Because eventually you get to a place where you wonder, who the heck am I?! Your personality has been so shifty and inconsistent that you don’t even know what’s genuinely you.
People who are able to be themselves 100% of the time (whether or not it rubs other people wrong) make me both very uncomfortable and envious.
How do you not care that they are looking at you like that??
Can’t you see their reaction??
Are you intentionally trying to stir up an argument?
And really what I’m thinking… How do you not care that they don’t like you?!
As I’ve gotten older I recognized that although I don’t think we should ever intentionally step on people‘s toes for fin and we should always take people‘s feelings into consideration...
Life is better when we can just be us and accept that not everyone is going to like us.
Because even though I’ve always changed myself for others, even still, some people didn’t like me.
Truly showing me that no matter what I do, I can’t ensure everyone will like me.
So, I might as well be me.
The real me, the one God made me to be.
I know there aren’t many worse feelings in the world than someone choosing not to like you.
But friend, that’s their choice.
That’s something they will have to carry around with them.
Wish them well, and move on.
You can’t get them all to like you, and that’s okay.
It’s not your job to.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog