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Kelli Bachara
Sep 28, 20202 min read
Don't Underestimate how God can Use You to Help Others.
I see it all the time. The person who's been able to fake "happiness" on their face for maybe their entire life, yet, is deeply aching on...
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Kelli Bachara
Sep 17, 20202 min read
The Darkness of Depression isn't too Dark for God.
It hit me today, as I worked with my third client in a row who said virtually the exact same thing the first two had: Being depressed...
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Kelli Bachara
Aug 30, 20202 min read
Only God can Fix a Shattered Heart.
I often see it in the eyes of a parent who lost their child, or lonely spouse who is now widowed. Or a child who has been bullied day in...
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Kelli Bachara
Jul 28, 20202 min read
Sometimes What is Keeping us Suffering... is Ourselves.
There is no way around it, pain is inevitable in this life. No matter how hard you try to distract from it or stuff it down. It will pop...
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Kelli Bachara
Jul 5, 20203 min read
An Open Letter to My Anxiety.
Dear Anxiety, I can’t believe I’m even talking to you again. I thought I had figured you out. I worked through your lies and I’ve felt...
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Kelli Bachara
Jun 30, 20202 min read
Your Body will Change, so Don't Find Your Worth in It. Jesus won't Change, so Find it in Him.
When you ask a woman why she is so miserable with her body, why she is obsessively dieting, or why her self-talk is very shame-based,...
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